What Entrepreneurs Do That Others Don’t


Over time many people who become frustrated with their daily jobs and careers will often say their biggest dream is to be their own boss and to run their own business. For some this has been a long time dream or something they’ve had in the back of their mind for years but never acted upon.

The reasons for this can vary from financial or family obligations, comfort level with their current job or career, or simply an aversion to risk. But whatever the reason it’s something that’s ultimately strong enough to keep them from pursuing their dreams.

Having the right mindset

One key trait that all business owners share is having a strategic mindset and the ability to recognize opportunities that others don’t see. The greatest challenge of working a 9-to-5 job is devoting all of your energy and focus to the role you were given, and the daily tasks you’re assigned. This focus creates a blindness to the greater opportunities available all around us, because all the hours of the day are consumed working toward someone else’s dreams.

Entrepreneurs develop a keen ability to see opportunities others don’t because they’re completely focused on growing their business or finding new ways to generate additional sources of revenue.

Thinking for themselves

Entrepreneurs actively take charge of their own destiny and stay focused on following their own path. They also become easily frustrated or discouraged having to conform to—or follow rules in a regular working environment. They may view working for others as a necessary step along their process, or maybe it presents an opportunity to learn and gain industry insights and knowledge before branching out on their own. Whatever the case may be, people with entrepreneurial spirits rarely stay in one place for very long and will quickly move on to something new if it aligns with their long term goals.

Investing in knowledge

Smart entrepreneurs know that knowledge is power and they never hesitate to make investments in themselves. They understand and embrace the idea that the best strategy will always be investing in yourself. Any opportunity to learn something new—while acknowledging the fact that they ‘don’t know everything’ is what separates those who succeed, from those who are simply serial dreamers.

Whether it’s formal business education, digital courses, books, or joining relevant industry groups to leverage networking opportunities, the quest to accumulate as much knowledge as possible is a daily effort that doesn’t end.

Turning passions into professions

Most successfully entrepreneurs don’t go into business simply to become their own boss, and they rarely choose opportunities at random. The majority of successful business owners started their businesses around something that’s always been a personal passion. As the old saying goes, ‘if you love what you do, you’ll never work another day in your life.’

This is absolutely true for most ventures that were started by owners who focused on turning their hobbies into businesses. And one of the primary reasons these owners became successful is because they were able to stay motivated by doing something the already loved.

Diversifying income

One of the greatest risks of traditional employment is relying on a single source of income. Having ‘all your eggs in one basket’ can be a big risk, and assuming that source of income will remain stable is a dangerous belief.

Many entrepreneurs don’t stop at creating a single business idea or venture as their primary source of income. Instead, they often develop multiple business ideas that can produce passive revenue, or focus on investment strategies that make their money work harder for them.

This method of creating financial safety nets can sometimes be distilled into a simple process that can be replicated over and over again, and as a result, dramatically scale the owner’s income and long term wealth.

Not afraid to fail

Accepting that failure is often part of the process is what separates successful entrepreneurs from those who give up. Being able to overcome challenges and look beyond ideas that simply don’t work out is a matter of shifting perspective. Viewing failure as a learning experience instead of validation your business idea didn’t have merit, is what will eventually lead to success.

Very few things work out the way you expect the first time, and in some cases, can take many attempts before everything comes together. Or, you may need to change your idea entirely and try a new approach.

The key is to remain focused, continue to believe in yourself, and not take failure as defeat.

Staying positive

I realize this is a cliché and sometimes easier said than done, and from my own experience, I know what it’s like to get discouraged. Keeping a positive mental attitude—at all times—and believing in yourself is what makes people succeed.

No one can be a better advocate and champion for your ideas than you, and truthfully, no one will believe in you as much as yourself. Being an entrepreneur isn’t right for everyone and can sometimes feel like a lonely road, filled with detours, road blocks, and pot holes. But for those with dreams of independence, it’s the only path to achieving that goal.

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