5 Reasons You Should Be Using WordPress In 2021


After many years of industry leadership as the go-to blogging platform, WordPress has become the top framework to build complete business websites—quickly and responsively.

A business website is the literal ‘digital font door’ of your business and its importance can’t be overstated. If you’re not in control of your website design and content, you may also miss out on opportunities to reach your audience.

Not sure if you should use WordPress or not? Consider that 1-in-4 websites today use WordPress in some form, whether to build their entire site and online store, or to host their own blogging site. Also, roughly 40% of all websites today use WordPress as a content management system (CMS), and the platform has nearly 60% global market share with millions of satisfied users.

Analyzing the data, customer experiences, user community, and support, here are the top five reasons you should consider using WordPress for your responsive website.

1. It’s free and secure

WordPress is open-source software, which means that it’s free to use and has a large developer community that contributes to the platform. New features are always implemented, and if you need help with anything, there are thousands of WordPress experts who can help.

The core software is free and includes countless free themes you can use, however, there are also paid WordPress options that include hosting and more advanced themes and features. So depending on your specific needs, there are plenty of options available.

If you want to build an online store, WooCommerce is a free, open-source WordPress plugin that easily helps you set up your product catalog and start selling online. WooCommerce powers approximately 22% of the top one million e-commerce sites around the globe and has become a trusted and stable e-commerce solution.

2. WordPress is the leading CMS in the world

Thousands of websites are built using the WordPress engine every day because of its streamlined, easy-to-use content management system (CMS). With plugins, you can create a completely responsive website using drag and drop tools, as well as content enhancement tools that help with your writing, SEO, readability, and so much more.

Creating new content is quick and easy and you don’t have to learn any code. Depending on the theme, content creation in WordPresss is as easy as typing a Word document. Also, dropping in photos, videos, or other interactive content couldn’t be easier.

With massive global market share, an unmatched user community, and more than 52,000 plugins, no other platform really comes close.

3. Easy-to-use

If you don’t know anything about coding or WordPress, that’s not a problem. There are a variety of visual-based, drag-and-drop editors like Divi, Elementor, and BeaverBuilder that were developed for WordPress and WP themes. With these visual editors you can manage the design and content of your website more intuitively, and it doesn’t take hours to build new pages or posts. My agency has built dozens of websites using the Divi builder by Elegant Themes because we’ve found it to be the most stable, versatile and easy to understand editor for WordPress.

4. Scalable

You never want to build a website only to find that nothing can be changed or that it would take months to redesign or add new features. Websites must be able to scale as your business grows or changes over time.

WordPress offers a high-performance CMS platform that offers media management and security, but it can also be customized to fit your needs as well as grow with your business. I’ve had many clients describe their frustration and disappointment in the way their website was originally built and the limitations they experienced or the lack of control they were given.

With a huge user community and access to expert developers, WordPress is the most accessible CMS solution available. And with new technologies, features and themes continuously being created, WordPress is the platform that can grow with you.

5. Migrate quickly and easily

One of the greatest challenges in creating your website on gated platforms such as SquareSpace or Wix, is that you don’t fully control your own content.

(See ‘Are you building your website on the wrong platform?)

I’ve had many clients who decided to build their own website using a DIY solution because the marketing of these platforms promotes their ‘ease-of-use’ simplicity. The challenges come in when you want to move away from your monthly subscription or take your site somewhere else, because you simply can’t. Your site is locked in their ecosystem and you’re limited by features and functions they provide.

A WordPress website is completely portable because it’s built on industry-standard programming language and uses minimal hosting requirements that are standardized by nearly all top-tier hosting companies.

WordPress is built for mobile

In addition to all the great features mentioned above, almost all WordPress themes are built with mobile-first development in mind. Which means, regardless of the theme you’re working with, maintaining a responsive website across devices is even easier.

The industry leader for good reason

WordPress website design is the way to go if you want to build websites quickly and with the best possible results for mobile, responsive design, and an excellent content management system. WordPress dominates the CMS market because of its usability, flexibility, and scalable design, and is why 23% of the top 10,000 websites use the WordPress platform.

If you want to build a website that you can control, customize, and grow with your business, there’s really no better way to go than WordPress.

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